სსიპ - ფერდინანდ თავაძის მეტალურგიისა და მასალათმცოდნეობის ინსტიტუტი
Foundation of the institute of metallurgy and materals science

In 1953 Metallurgy department was opened in the Tbilisi branch of Institute of chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences. This was the first research center in this direction. Two years later the department was changed into an independent unit - metallurgy laboratory and a famous scientistmetallurgist Academician A.A.Baikov was invited to head it.


In 1945 Institute of metal and mining was founded on the basis of metallurgy laboratory of P.Melikishvili Institute of chemistry of the Georgian Academy of Sciences and Georgian Academy of Sciences Academician Raphiel I. Agladze was elected director by the Academy general meeting.


In 1951 director of the Institute of metal and mining of the Georgian Academy of Sciences was elected head of the Institute`s metals science laboratory, head of department of metal technology of the Georgian Polytechnical institute Professor F.N.Tavadze. By this fact Ferdinand N. Tavadze was recognized as the leader of metallurgy science in Georgia.


Academician Ferdinand Tavadze


The Institute of metal and mining cleared the way for independent activities of many scientific directions: in 1956 Institute of inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry was separated from the Institute of metal and mining, in 1957 mining department (presently - Institute of mining) was separated from the Institute of metal and mining, In 1958 - Refractory materials laboratory (Tbilisi construction materials scientific-research Institute) was separated from the Institute of metal and mining, in 1959 - Machine science Institute (nowadays Institute of machine mechanics) was separated from the Institute of metal and mining. In 1957 Institute of metal and mining was called Institute of Metallurgy, since this name expressed its true essence. At the head of these processes was invariably till his dying day staying Academician Ferdinand N. Tavadze. The institute has been named after him since 1990.


In 2000 Institute of metallurgy was called Institute of metallurgy and materials science and since 2006 – it is LEPL Ferdinand Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science.

Computation Center


A group of employees of the Institute of metallurgy

16-12-2016    views: 2 841