სსიპ - ფერდინანდ თავაძის მეტალურგიისა და მასალათმცოდნეობის ინსტიტუტი
Happy Jubilee

Dear Mr. Giorgi, Our Dear Gogi,

Your native Metallurgy and Materials Science Institute, where You have spent all Your conscious life, congratulates You with Your 75th Birthday and wishes You familial comfort, health, wealth and all the success in Your scientific activities!

God-almighty made You a worthy successor to Your Father – renown scientist and public figure Ferdinand Tavadze; You have inherited Your Mother`s Barbara Karumidze`s refined inner charm; You have been coupled with a prettiest friend of life. Overwhelming and abundant has been your benevolence to Your family, your close friends and to your Motherland, as well as your most faithful and highly responsible attitude to your lifework.   

Like lightning appeared Giorgi Tavadze`s scientific and organizational activities at the background of the Georgian technical thinking and in particular, of the Metallurgy and Materials Science Institute. We are aware of the thorny way of your life. We know how you managed to save your native institute. We are proud to have spent much of life side by side witnessing your firmness and persistence.

To some people Giorgi Tavadze is still a young boy that noisily and vigorously stepped into the institute in the sixties. To others he is a dear friend and colleague, who had been making science with for decades. For many of them Giorgi Tavadze is a teacher and mentor. Anyway, to all of them he is dear Gogi – a hard-working, kind and generous commander and leader of the institute.  


Dear Gogi, you are still tirelessly serving your home country and institution!! May God bless you always!!!

Your colleagues and friends

Olga Likhanova


Dear Giorgi Ferdinandovich!


Allow me to congratulate you on your wonderful The 75th anniversary!


I wish you good health for many years, further creative and organizational successes, family well-being, warmth, love and support of loved ones.

And let the taste and interest in life not run out over the years, and harmony and happiness will be present in the soul!


It is a great honour for me to know you and have the privilege to congratulate you personally, dear Giorgi Ferdinandovich!


I will always appreciate and remember your hospitality!


Happy Jubilee!


With best wishes on this day,


Olga Likhanova


Olga Olegovna Likhanova,

Head of the Department of Scientific and Educational Activities and International Cooperation


A.G. Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS, Chernogolovka (ISM) , 142432



Тел: +7 496 52 46 475 likhanova@ism.ac.ru

Today we drink to Your health !!!


Dear Giorgi,


Happy Birthday to you!!


I wish you and all your loved ones and friends good health and happiness, good luck in everything and all benefits.


A lot has already been lived, a lot has been done, but there are still many interesting things ahead as well as more pleasant events.


Yours forever,




 Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences


Head of Laboratory, Head Researcher


E-mail: yukh@ism.ac.ru


Fax: 7(496)524-6255;  Phone: 7(496)524-6396

Happy Birthday!


3:37 PM (11 minutes ago)


Dear Giorgi Ferdinandovich!

We sincerely congratulate you on Your Birthday!

We wish all the best to you and your loved ones, happiness, health, well-being, the bright and always peaceful sky!

Sincerely yours,

Elena and Vladimir


E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute · Physical and chemical materials research  10.86          PhD


Happy 75th anniversary!


Dear Giorgi Ferdinandovich!


In addition to the official congratulations from M.I. Alymov and the whole team of ISMAN, allow me to congratulate you on your 75th anniversary!

I wish you and all members of your family good health, vigour of spirit, optimism and inexhaustible energy for the new creative achievements of the scientific team headed by you.

You are a bright example for people of my generation and for me personally in the ability to solve complex scientific and scientific-organizational tasks, intelligence and responsiveness to colleagues and friends around you.


With respect and sincere wishes!

Deputy. Director of Scientific Work

Vladimir Nikolaevich Sanin



Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science

Institute of Structural Macrocinetics and material science problems named after

A.G. Merzhanov (ISMAN)

142432 of Chernogolovka, M.O., Academician Ossipyan Str. 8

Тел.: 8(49652)46-510

Fax: 8(49652)46-255

E-mail: svn@ism.ac.ru

Dear Giorgi Ferdinandovich!

Staff of G. V. Kuryumov Institute of Metallophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine cordially congratulates you, famous Scientist in Materials Science and Chemical Technology, the winner of State Prize of Georgia and G. Nikoladze Prize, academician of National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, with a significant date – the 75th anniversary!

We appreciate and respect you, not only as a scientist, but also as a mentor, teacher and science organizer. Your scientific activity is a bright example of serving science, and the immeasurable respect of your students is the highest assessment of your pedagogical activity. Your talent and inspiration combined with daily incessant and hard work has provided you with well-deserved authority among the scientific environment.

For the outstanding achievements of scientific and practical Importance in the field of natural and technical sciences of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine awarded you with the highest award of the Academy - Gold Medal in honor of the first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences – a well-known scholar Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. We appreciate collaboration with You and we are glad that you meet your anniversary in the prime of your life, filled with new ideas and plans.

On the day of your anniversary, dear Giorgi Ferdinandovich, we wish that good health, good mood, and well-being remained with you for many years. Let the anniversary year be the basis for further creative achievements and prosperity! May sincere and reliable friends and colleagues be close, and relatives and loved ones fill you with joy and warmth forever!

From the team of the G. V. Kuryumov Institute of Metal -physics

of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Honorary director, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

  1. M. Ivasishin

Director, corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

  1. V. A. Tatarenko

Dear Giorgi Ferdinandovich!

The staff of the National Research Technological University "MISiS" cordially congratulates you on your 75th birthday! After graduating from the Georgian Polytechnic Institute in 1967, you have gone from a junior researcher and head of the laboratory for fast processes and SHS to the director of Ferdinand Tavadze Metallurgy and Materials Science Institute, having obtained the degree of candidate and doctor of technical sciences, the title of professor, corresponding member and academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia.

You are a worldwide known scientist in the field of metallurgy, SHS and materials science, the author of 181 scientific papers and 42 patents. Scientific developments in the field of inorganic materials served as the basis for the creation of various promising materials:

Amorphous and fine crystalline refractory compounds and materials by ultra-fast melt hardening method;

Metal and high-temperature ceramic superconducting materials and superconducting articles;

boron-containing ceramic materials; functional and gradient alloys.

For scientific and technological development of armor composition in 1998 you were awarded the State Prize of Georgia on science and technology, and in 2013 - the prize of G. Nikoladze for the cycle of works in the field of production of multifunctional metal-ceramic materials. Scientific and organizational activity was awarded with a high government award - the Order of Vakhtang Gorgasali.

As a professor of the Department of Metal Science and Thermal Processing of Metals of the Georgian Technical University, you pay great attention to the problem of integration of science and education, training of scientific personnel.

Under your guidance, numerous projects and contracts have been successfully implemented, 4 doctoral and 3 PhD theses have been defended.

We highly appreciate your contribution to the organization of the International Conference "Inorganic Materials Science Modern Technologies and Methods" and the International Symposium "SHS-2017." Your personal contribution to years of cooperation and friendship is invaluable.

We sincerely wish you good health, family happiness, further creative achievements and beautiful mood!

Sincerely Yours,

Levashov Evgeny Aleksandrovich

Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Head of the Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings

E-mail: levashov@shs.misis.ru

Телефон: +7 495 638-45-00

Alevtina Anatolievna Chernikova - Rector @ National ...

Alevtina Anatolievna Chernikova - Rector @ National University of Science & Technology MISiS.

17-01-2020    views: 1 629