სსიპ - ფერდინანდ თავაძის მეტალურგიისა და მასალათმცოდნეობის ინსტიტუტი
Presentation of armor helmets and armor vests

Today the presentation of Georgian-made armor helmets and armor vests was held at the military base of Special Operations Forces. 


Minister of Defence of Georgia Irakli Alasania and Chief of the General Staff of GAF Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze attended the testing of individual protection equipment of soldiers.


As Minister of Defence stated it is very important to protect our soldiers, officers, our brave men and women who are serving in hot spots- in international missions. To produce the protection means was always the priority for us  from the very beginning and it is good that “Delta” and his scientific team could fulfill this order successfully. We have for sure invested in this undertaking and I am glad that thhe product is written on –made in Georgia. This production was also tested. We have studied the national market as well. Our Ministry of course, Ministry of Internal Affairs and other agencies may be interested in the production. We have an ambition and want this product to become the best and to be exported too. Our armor vests and helmets are of high quality and too light unlike those which are produced by other western countries. I congratulate you that this product successfully passed the test. They were made in Georgia and Georgian specialists participated in the process of the production. This is one more step towards  NATO standards and  development of national industry”-said Minister of Defence. Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Security Irakli Sesiashvili and foreign defence attaches accredited to Georgia attended the presentation. 


Following the presentation, Georgian-made military production was tested at the special firing-range. Military instructors checked the degree of damage of armor-vests and helmets after conducting shootings from various types of fire arms. Armor vests are being produced for Joint-army, special operations, policemen and women military personnel in “Delta”. The weight of armor helmets is 1200-1500 gram. Inner equipment of it fully corresponds to the NATO standards. It is easy to wear and insures absorbtion of effect of hitting. The weight of armor vest is 3200 gram. The protection area is 32 dc in quadrate. 


Following the presentation, the invited guests were able to shoot from fire-arms at the specially arranged firing-range.




11-02-2014    views: 3 355