Alexander Mukasyan
With my wife we safely came back to US but still are under impression of the Holiday, which you and your colleges made for us during last week!
The organization of the International Symposium was outstanding and being before in more than 50 countries I may suggest that I never saw such friendly and worm loving people as in Georgia.
I plan to be in touch with Georgian scientists and hope that soon we will get some funding for joint work.
Thank you again
Sasha Sytschev
I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the efforts you have made to organize the symposium, for your hospitality and friendly relations.
Roza Abdulkarimova
From Tbilisi we returned under the big impression. Since the meeting in
airport and until the departure we felt the attention and of the organizers. The colleagues' reports were very interesting and useful for further research. Meetings with friends, new acquaintances, wonderful and informative excursions, banquets will be remembered for a long time!
Colleagues from the Ferdinand Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science wish new successes in the new building.
Thank you for the excellent organization of the symposium.
Andrzej Huczko
Dear Colleaugues! Dear Friends!
It was really a great pleasure and honour to participate in the last SHS event in Tbilisi.
Everything worked perfectly, both in therms of the scientific content of the Symposium and also a great and warm hospitality of our hosts from Georgian Academy of Science. Moreover, Georgia is a wonderful place to visit and I sincerily hope to come back.
Victoria Kurbatkina
Dear members of Organizing Committee,
Please allow us to express our deep gratitude for your incredible work at organizing the recently held Symposium SHS-2017. The scientific part of the symposium was conducted at the highest possible level. Additionally, I would like to thank the Committee for the organizing of exceptionally fascinating excursions to the various Georgian places of historical significance.
Margarita Kotvanova
I want to note with pleasure the high level of the organization of the symposium, the wide geography of participants and the possibility of informal discussion of the issues. I want to express my sincere gratitude for a fruitful atmosphere at the symposium. I am sure that the continuation of the symposium will be new scientific contacts and possibly new joint projects.
Let me express my gratitude for your exceptional hospitality.
I wish all Georgian colleagues every success and achievements!
Aleksandr Amosov
Thank you very much for excellent organization SHS-2017 and for your hospitality.
The symposium was very interesting and useful for me and I hope for all participants.
We have received unforgettable impressions from cultural program as well.
Aydinyan Sofiya
I appreciate your warm hospitality, kind attitude and high-level of organization of the conference SHS2017.
I have enjoyed the both scientific and social events of the conference.
Only the lack of time didn't allow to have comprehensive discussions after each speech, because the program was intensive and saturated.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to meet SHS scientific community in Tbilisi, to follow high-level reports and efficient discussions.
Hayk Nersisyan
The organizing committee has done a great job in hosting the XIV International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis in Tbilisi (Georgia). Special thanks to the Symposium Chairman Giorgi Tavadze and Giorgi Oniashvili for a wonderful first-rate Symposium - we had a great time and learned a lot, and were very touched by your warm hospitality despite all the demands on your time." It is most impressive that you were able to get together such an illustrious group of internationally renowned scholars in so many different yet very closely connected fields. The presentations were worth more than endless hours of reading. The keynote speeches were stunning and other research talks were inspiring too. Prof. Dan Shechtman (Israel) talk about quasi-periodic materials was a brilliant and thought-provoking. History was made in those short four days in Tbilisi and I don’t know if it would be possible to wait for another one that can come close to the breadth and depth of this Symposium and the intellectual excitement generated from it.
My congratulation on a most rewarding and memorable Symposium!"
Елена Бердникова
Дорогие коллеги и организаторы конференции!
Впечатления о конференции самые хорошие.
Большое спасибо за теплый и дружеский прием, интересные встречи, хорошие доклады, организацию экскурсий и вкусных мероприятий.
Svetlana Oglezneva
Thank you very much to the organizers for the excellent organization of the conference, warm welcome, interesting reports of remarkable scientists, a wonderful cultural program and all the beauty of Georgia. I hope for the development of international scientific contacts.
The National University of Science and Technology MISiS

Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences