სსიპ - ფერდინანდ თავაძის მეტალურგიისა და მასალათმცოდნეობის ინსტიტუტი
Metal science and metal protection from corrosion laboratory № 4

  • Laboratory traditionally works to improve operational properties of alloyed special purpose construction steels and casts and to create new original compositions of alloys. Works are performed by alloying and thermo mechanical processing optimization, improving macro and microstructural and physical-mechanical properties. Laboratory supervises research of technological processes of metals melting-molding and pressure processing by using metallographic and physical-chemical methods. Several special steel compositions were created in the laboratory. Research was performed on thermal fatigue of construction steels, to reveal the influence of dopant elements on gaseous erosion and to create composition of alloys that will have increased endurance while operating under harsh conditions.
  • Examination of metals and metal ware is performed in the laboratory in order to determine compliance with the standards and real damage causes of details. Expertise works are performed on ferrous as well as non-ferrous metals.
  • Ancient bronze (with arsenic, tin and other) artifacts were researched. Their making and molding technologies were estimated.
  • Structural research of cross-grained (Damascus steel) steel was performed. The peculiarities of obtaining such steels were studied. The optimum amount carbon of steel’s major alloying elements was estimated. Low-temperature regime of forging was developed, which lead to the obtaining of granular perlite, increased plasticity and durability and respectively cutting capacity of the work piece.



It is possible to manufacture at the institute a small number of souvenir knives from cross-grained steel


  • Historical and technological analysis of iron and steel making process technology is being done in ancient primitive shaft type furnace.



Laboratory Corrosion Group

  • New construction acid-resistant, high-strength, low-alloyed, highly nitrogenous, nickel-free, austenitic and martensite class steels and alloys structure corrosion resistance research and optimum composition determination in order to use them in various sectors of chemistry, nutrition, pharmaceutical-chemistry, shipbuilding and industry, for oil and gas extraction and transportation tubes. Introduction and monitoring of selected materials;
  • Processing of corrosion state research methods and equipment;
  • Processing of highly effective protective materials;
  • Researching corrosive aggressiveness of Georgian soils and natural waters and corrosion protection of metal constructions for environmental security reasons;
  • Study of new economically alloyed, martensitic ageing on the base of 13% Chromium and 16% Nickel. Obtaining cold-rolled 2 mm and 0.2 mm wires of high solidity and strength from steel, Study of their corrosion resistance in aggressive medical areas and recommendations processing to use them for microsurgical instruments of high functional properties;
  • Processing of high strength and corrosion resistance poly and nano-crystalline titanium alloys for medical instruments, nanostructured coatings and implants;
  • Mathematical modeling of corrosion processes using electrochemical and experiments planning statistical methods in order to optimize composition of steels and alloys and protect them from corrosion;
  • Forecasting of local corrosion process development using accelerated electrochemical method and estimating corrosion development risk factors;
  • Processing of military vehicles and ammunition corrosion testing methods based on the standards adopted by the world's leading countries;
  • Laboratory experiments and a full-scale tests on corrosion resistance of armor metallic materials and military equipment in different climatic conditions of Georgia, including the Black Sea waters and humid subtropical atmosphere, development of protection methods and compiling recommendations;

Laboratory personnel
Salome Gvazava
Korneli Svanidze
9-06-2011    views: 5 444