სსიპ - ფერდინანდ თავაძის მეტალურგიისა და მასალათმცოდნეობის ინსტიტუტი
Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis problems laboratory № 5

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(The head of the laboratory – Professor G. Oniashvili, Doctor of Engineering Science)


The main area of research of the laboratory is designing energy-efficient environmentally friendly technologies for producing materials by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS). The technology allows obtaining materials possessing unique properties with low energy consumption and using simple equipment.


Laboratory Personnel:

1. G. Oniashvili _ Head of Laboratory

2. Z. Aslamazishvili  _ Chief Researcher

3. G. Zakharov  _ Chief Researcher

4. G. Mikhaberidze _ Senior Researcher

5. N. Iakobidze _ Engineer

6. M. Khvadagiani _ Engineer

7. M. Chikhradze _ Engineer

8. G. Urushadze _ Laboratory Assistant


Designed technologies:

SHS technologies for obtaining refractory materials - molybdenum and molybdenum carbide - basing on the silicides - from Chiatura-Sachkhere sands and carbon-free ferromanganese - from Chiatura manganese ores.




SHS reactors
Highly efficient double-layered and multi-layered gradient materials have been obtained by SHS method. At high temperatures these materials retain high hardness, compressive strength, wear resistance and scale resistance. These technologies involve subsequent compacting of product that has been synthesized in both-combustion and thermal explosion modes.



Gradient materials


Technology has been developed for obtaining inter-metallic compounds in a SHS-thermal explosion regime. It allows obtaining single-phase inter-metallic compounds possessing unique properties, as well as nanostructured products that can not be achieved through the existing conventional methods.


In case of using B10 isotope-containing compounds as the heat source of the thermal explosion mode, light, non-porous and wear resistant materials are obtained that also have anti-radiation properties and are potentially highly applicable in aviation and space engineering.


A unique installation has been built for obtaining single-phased nanostructure inter-metallic compounds.



Products made from single-phased inter-metallic compounds

  • SHS technologies for the manufacture of composite, ceramic and metal-ceramic materials have been developed. High temperature superconducting ceramic materials and products have been obtained. 
  • Hard, wear resistant and composite materials have been obtained in the form of castings in the field of centrifugal forces. As a result, materials of three type are obtained from inexpensive and available raw materials (oxides): 
  • Hard alloys with complete phase separation; 
  • Gradient alloys with partial phase separation; 
  • Composite materials without phase separation. 
Centrifugal SHS casting machine



  • Cast hard alloy parts for cutting units of road-building machines and nozzles of gas-operated metal cutting appliance have been obtained by this method.




  • Technology has been developed for the manufacture of water and gas filters from inexpensive oxides by SHS method.    



Laboratory personnel
9-06-2011    views: 4 402